Christie PTA is striving to be a diverse group of parents, guardians, family members, and community members who care about impacting the student’s lives in a positive way.
Three Different Ways to Contribute to Our School’s Success
1. Become a MemberNo Time Commitment When you join at $12 per person, you are investing in the programs and efforts that are being made to enhance your child’s education. By simply signing up, you aren’t committing to volunteer, just registering as a member - and paying $12!Your $12 goes directly toward sending each grade level on a Field Trip, funding after-school clubs, school enrichment programs/activities (including Field Day!), teacher appreciation, community events, & more! By joining PTA, you also get access to various discounts & perks through Texas PTA.You can join alone, or each person in your family. Even your extended family can join, which is essentially another $12 donation towards our programs and mission.POR QUE UNIRSE PTA?Sin compromiso de tiempoCuando se inscribe por $12 por persona, está invirtiendo en los programas y esfuerzos que se están realizando para mejorar la educación de su hijo. Al simplemente registrarte, no te comprometes a ser voluntario, solo te registras como miembro y pagas $12.Sus $12 se destinan directamente a enviar cada nivel de grado a una excursión, financiar clubes extracurriculares, programas/actividades de enriquecimiento escolar (¡incluido el día de campo!), agradecimiento a los maestros, eventos comunitarios y más. Al unirse a la PTA, también obtiene acceso a varios descuentos y ventajas a través de la PTA de Texas.Puedes unirte solo o cada persona de tu familia. Incluso su familia extendida puede unirse, lo que es esencialmente otra donación de $12 para nuestros programas y misión.Join Today! |
2. VolunteerHelp when you have time! There are many types of volunteer opportunities and no involvement is too small! By joining the PTA, there is absolutely no obligation to volunteer ever - we promise!
3. Volunteer for the PTA BoardBig Impact! It sounds like a big time commitment, but it is not! Here you will have the greatest opportunity to make a direct difference. E-mail for more info. |
Upcoming Events
- Wednesday, March 12
- Wednesday, March 26
- Friday, March 28
- Thursday, April 10
- Friday, April 25
- Monday, May 5
- Tuesday, May 6
- Wednesday, May 7
Why join the PTA?
Successful students make successful schools— which make thriving communities. Everyone benefits when you support students!